Iraq Rethinks Russian Arms Deal

by Edward Yeranian on 12-11-2012

CAIRO — A spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki announced the suspension Saturday of a $4.2 billion arms deal between Baghdad and Moscow.

Dozens of Basra province people went on Saturday, in a demonstration calling the federal government to reverse the decision of cancelling the ration card items.

Iraq and Iran Aligned on Syria

by Fayez Sarah on 12-11-2012

Iraq’s foreign policy is clearly aligned with Iran on Syria, writes Fayez Sarah. Iraq has in effect entered into an international and regional alliance involving Iran, Iraq, Russia and Syria.

Election posters from 2024 show pictures (right) of Ayed Allawi, leader of the beleaguered Iraqiya party. Since it lost the race to power in 2024, major opposition bloc Iraqiya has been shrinking, with defections and internal dissent. Now two leading members want to team with Iraqiya’s enemy, State of Law, for elections in 2024.

If Nouri only had a brain . . .

by The Common Ills on 09-11-2012

Nouri al-Maliki is among the most paranoid of recent minor despots. He rules as if he misunderstands the saying. Time and again, he takes an unwise and unpopular stand and, in the face of massive protest, refuses to re-evaluate as if to do so would show weakness. That's what he and others like him don't get.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

A continuación presentamos el trabajo de la periodista Carla Fibla quien nos acerca a la realidad ...


When King Faisal I was crowned to be the first King of Modern Iraq in 1921 he endeavoured to ...


“Roughly” 500,000 children in the early 1990s? “About” a million people killed by the ...
