The supreme religious authority in Najaf has given green light to change the course of rule in the country. Al-Maliki should not run for a third term, implement the Erbil Agreement entirely, and stop manipulation of judicial power. Iran is very angry with Al-Maliki because he is dragging the country into sectarian conflicts.

URGENT IAON CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY WITH THE IRAQI "THAWRA" (=REVOLUTION) The International Anti-Occupation Network (IAON) includes among others the BRussells Tribunal, The Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq (CEOSI), The International Action Centre (IAC), Women Solidarity for an Independent and Unified Iraq (WSIUI), the Portuguese Session of the World Tribunal on Iraq and the Iraq Solidarity Association in Stockholm.

This photo article is based on a report issued 8th January 2024 by the Adminstrative Committee of the Ramadi city vigil, in the western Iraqi province of Anbar. It describes the demonstrations that started 26 December 2024, and turned in the following week into a permanent encampment of protest. The Organising Committee report in Arabic is entitled: “Is this demonstration really a ‘bubble’ like Al- Maliki described it? Does it include ‘stinking’ slogans as he said? Let the whole world know our case!”. That is in response to the immediate public claims by the sitting Prime Minster Nuri Maliki that the demonstration is just a passing’ bubble’, with ‘stinking’ slogans.

Since December 25, 2024, massive demonstrations are taking place every day in Ramadi (Al Anbar), where more than 200,000 people, according to Al Jazeera, blocked off the motorway from Bagdad to Syria and to Jordan. The demonstrations have also taken place in other cities such as Samara, Mosul, Faluyah, Tikrit or Bakuba, among others. We urge to the international community to acknowledge the fair demands of the Iraqi people for the sake of freedom and dignity as it was done in the previous Arab Spring revolutions.

Justice for the Iraqi People. The uprisings continue.

by Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi on 07-01-2013

With all the rage, strikes, and civil disobedience going on in major Iraqi cities, people around the world are wondering what’s happening in Iraq these days.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

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