Journalism Freedoms Observatory (JFO) eist een onderzoek naar de marteling van Sabah Hasan, onrechtmatig vastgehouden en gruwelijk gemarteld door Maliki’s Veiligheidstroepen.

Torturer Lawsuits: Some Good News

by Steve Lendman on 25-11-2012

Two lawsuits against private military contractors (PMCs) offer encouragement. Both were brought under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed them on behalf of tortured and abused plaintiffs.

It is ironic indeed that the US is demanding that the practice of due-process-free indefinite detention be continued in Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries it invaded and then occupied while claiming it wanted to bring freedom and democracy there.

Adnan Hadi al-Asady ordered his security force to execute all the prisoners, who returned or were recaptured from the prison escape on 28 September in Kirkuk. After finishing the execution, they hid the bodies somewhere in the area.

Iraq's prisons: An inside view

by Huda Al-Saleh and Fahd al-Ziabi on 14-11-2012

During his years in the Iraqi prison system, al-Anzi served time in numerous Iraqi jails including Sousse, Nasiriyah and al-Taji prisons, not to mention the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, al-Anzi reveals the true sectarian nature of Iraq’s prison system, adding that Iranian security forces, specifically the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp [IRGC] interrogated prisoners held in Iraq’s prison system.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

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