"Iraq" Is Still Arabic For "Vietnam"

by Ira Chernus on 21-06-2014

One must wonder whether Obama has told Maliki in private what JFK told Diem: U.S. troops would not actually be doing the fighting; we would only send military aid and advisors. Nevertheless, the U.S. would "expect to share in the decision-making process in the political, economic, and military fields." Looking back to Vietnam and ahead to Iraq, one can only say again, "Lotsa luck, buddy." - See more at: http://hnn.us/blog/153386#sthash.9vqjgmUx.dpuf


The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Killed 28 civilians and seven others were injured as a result of government air raid targeted homes ...


AMSI condemned this action, and sees it as a step of incremental steps being taken to the ...


All this makes the current war a preventive one, which international law tends to consider ...
