The Iraqi Thawra (Revolution) Confronts Al Maliki

by The Common Ills on 23-01-2013

Maliki attacks the protesters as unconstitutional and illegal. They demand change and exercise their Constitutional rights, he sticks his military on them and says they are a threat or Ba'athists or terrorists or paid off by foreign agents or some other lunatic from his paranoid mind.

Uday Al Zaidi: "Dear Iraqi brothers: it’s time to answer the call of our beloved country, which started in Al-Anbar, to not support any politician, but to save Iraq from the defilements and the ever deepening crisis, like our Iraqi brothers did in the other governorates".

Prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has become a dictator. He must resign to prevent a bloody confrontation with Sunnis and Kurds

Outside analysts view the protest movement in Iraq via the prism of sectarianism, but its demands reveal a more positive agenda

Photos from the Iraqi Intifada against sectarian policies, clearly showing that the Iraqi people understand perfectly the dirty game that the sectarian parties and groups are playing to divide the nation.

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