Friday demonstrations in Iraq are expanding

by BT & Iraqi Spring Media Center on 23-02-2013

Photo report - 2 - Friday February 22 - PART 2

Friday demonstrations in Iraq are expanding

by BT & Iraqi Spring Media Center on 23-02-2013

Photo report - 1 - Friday February 22 - PART 1

... and peace be upon you, O Fallujah: a CD with 20 pages booklet

by Tadhamun-Iraqi Women Solidarity on 21-02-2013

A CD with 20 pages booklet produced by Tadhamun - Iraqi Women Solidarity. It tells the story of the US-led attacks on Fallujah in April and November 2024, a year after the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2024. It is told in an audio collage of Iraqi and non-Iraqi poetry, songs, music, testimonies, and news clips with the persistent sound of US Apaches hovering in the skies above the people of Iraq.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

During the occupation U.S. and Iraqi forces have experienced numerous lethal attacks in Hawija from ...


The parliamentary investigative committee in Hawija incident revealed on Tuesday, that 90% of ...


Nota infromativa de la ...
