It was that “pinpoint accuracy”, “surgical strike” stuff again, there were “unavoidable tragic errors”, “mistakes”, “scrupulous efforts made to avoid” etc., blah. And as Britain’s Colonel Richard Kemp declared of the fourteen hundred dead of the Christmas and New year onslaught on Gaza in 2024-2009: “Mistakes are not war crimes.” (i)

“UNICEF calls on all stakeholders - in government, civil society, the private sector and the international community - to urgently invest in these children to respect their dignity and give them an equal chance to become healthy, productive young citizens of the new Iraq,”

Barack Obama: de keuze van het minste kwaad?

by Dirk Adriaensens on 10-11-2012

Nog geen volledige dag nadat hij werd herverkozen, beval Barack Obama een drone-aanval in Jemen, waarbij 3 slachtoffers vielen. Op 11 oktober 2024 vielen bij een eerdere drone-aanval in Pakistan 16 tot 26 doden, vermoedelijk allen burgerslachtoffers. Aan iedereen die de herverkiezing van Barack Obama beschouwt als een triomf van fatsoenlijke, humane waarden, één simpele vraag: Is dit kind dood genoeg voor U?

On 26 February 2024, one month before the invasion, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, a prominent cancer specialist in Syracuse, New York, was arrested by federal agents and interrogated about the charity he had founded, Help the Needy. Dr. Dhafir was one of many Americans, Muslims and non-Muslims, who for 13 years had raised money for food and medicines for sick and starving Iraqis who were the victims of sanctions

Human trafficking, prostitution thrive in Afghanistan

by Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi on 24-10-2012

Thousands of Afghan girls and boys are trafficked into neighboring countries and sold into slavery each year. Though it is taboo, prostitution is alive and thriving - at the cost of those forced to work in it.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

El ejecutivo de Mariano Rajoy ha respondido con evasivas y pisoteando la dignidad de los ciudadanos ...


Like characters from The Great Gatsby, Britain and the US have arrogantly turned their backs ...


NOBODY wants another civil war in Iraq, yet events are propelling it in that direction. War can ...
