When Madeleine Albright asked in May 1996 about the death of half a million Iraqi children as a result of UN sanctions, she said: "we think the price is worth it." By "it" she meant US interests, propping US hegemony, and preparing for regional military action.

"العراق يعتصم : جمعة "لاتخادع

by Eman A. Khamas and BRussells Tribunal on 18-01-2013

شارك الملايين من العراقيين في مختلف انحاء العراق في الاعتصامات المتواصلة لليوم السابع والعشرين ضمن اطار الثورة العراقية ، مصرين على ان تستجيب الحكومة لطلباتهم وتلبيها دون خداع او مماطلة (ومن هنا جاءت تسمية الاعتصام لاتخادع).

Payout to 71 former prisoners is first of its kind from a defence contractor active in Iraq: Iraqi prisoners who allege they were tortured in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq are being paid $5.8m by the subsidiary of a US defence contractor accused of complicity in their mistreatment.

"I would like to draw your attention, and that of the British Government, to a worrying and rapidly developing situation in Iraq." Open letter from Iraqi/British citizens Salah al Hashimi and Tahrir Swift to British MP

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The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Former Iraqi oil minister Issam Chalabi says that although Iraq is an oil-rich country, it ...


The "Green Zone" is the common name for the international neighborhood in Baghdad. It was ...


As violence in Iraq reaches levels not seen in years, untold numbers of Iraqis are once again ...
